non compartmentalized

the title pretty much says it all; rather than having blogs for art, music, photography, yard work, garden work, home, travel, etc. AS I HAVE DONE & ALREADY DO HAVE, this will be virtually "life as i live it"... day by day... non compartmentalized

Saturday, September 10, 2011

music- then and now- 1985-2011

TO BAILEY: yes, we know that. j & i've been sitting out on the terrace listening to remixes of a lot of the 80s TDC/eventual Street Level/eventual DSSFX cd material, which she has FLIPPED over; says "its criminal to keep this in a box somewhere; the people need to hear this; and you and the band need to be doing this NOW"- so, i am going to mix & release this NOW- [when home] i refuse to recut it, after having done versions of some of the material in studios for 3 cds [DSSFX & RS & CT] & the whole auditory imagery/feel/soul/art of the original songs etc., got lost in translation. some things are magical and magical only in one moment. thank god i have those 4 track home demos, which i can digitize [have done some] & probably not touch them unless there is an obvious FU.jt says that we need to start performing the stuff live. so, in a way. i am going back to my
european blood, neurotic southern gothic pychedelia cum hollywood/new orleans/european artiste' poet roots/w some techno/funky/avant garde weirdness thrown in. because i enunciated my very wordy [have you noticed?] lyrics so they could be understood & rhyme correctly [as in 'pain/again'] they have a semi pseudo affected brit accent. "like david bowie on Valium"- one new orleans deejay said of my 'naturel' voice when he reviewed DSSFX. to be honest, i feel freed & inspired & positive... i have always written/recorded/done this kind of stuff &but only ever performed it in Razin Cain [new orleans 1976-81] Techno Disco Cabaret [[1985-?] then DOUG DUFFEY/STREETLEVEL/NEWORLEANS [1986-88]- and it was just too far ahead of its time.jac & feel like NOW in Europe IS the right time. i've always loved this mjusic & felt it was 'the real me' [but i'm quadrophenic-there are several real mes- like the solo one] Jackie wants us to start putting some of this into the repertoire ASAP- eventually do all originals- and i want to personally do a different tour every year- different music per tour/year. gotta go home and get busy mixing. i'm packing...J is blasting the 80s cd... i feel totally reborn & free... like i KNOW where i am supposed to go...