non compartmentalized

the title pretty much says it all; rather than having blogs for art, music, photography, yard work, garden work, home, travel, etc. AS I HAVE DONE & ALREADY DO HAVE, this will be virtually "life as i live it"... day by day... non compartmentalized

Friday, May 4, 2012

so it begins...

"so it begins..." [linda hunt, in 'the year of living dangerously'] the oncoming hell of summer. just when i am almost, like a fledgling bird, feeling secure enough to test my wings, to leave the nest, 

"so it begins..."
that i slowly resurface and re-enter the world; the world i have avoided for over a year; not the one i had known; but a new version of the old one. a remix. a remake. a new production. or the director's cut.
i feel like an alien, taking baby steps, into the unknown. in suspended animation. invisible but sensed sign posts point ways to various paths; paths i am not sure i want to go down. new directions. different routes. sometimes i stand at the crossroads, frozen; don't want to go further; unlike robert johnson, i am not making any deals, i have enough demons; i'm thinking, maybe, "better the devil you know, than the one you don't."