HAPPY EARTH DAY! after spacing out for hours- doing the morning ritual- i finally forced myself outside. my intention was to clean up under the carport and out on the patio; but, of course i ended up making more of a made more of a mess than i already had.
i began doing various earthy projects:
1. replanted the front flower bed @ mamas house with transplants from my house: hosta, antirrhinum [from steve & larry in new orleans], native louisiana iris, grandmother's 4 o'clocks.
2. hung all the wind chimes 50 times until i got them right- some were not getting this amazing wind that has been blowing all day. i hung them along the edge of the carport; opposite the ones Raymond made for me.
3.repaired some of the old ones, with bits and pieces from various broken ones. i discovered the perfect thing to do with the clear cds that come when you buy a spindle pack: since some of the chimes had lost the flap that the wind catches to move them, i tied them on. disco! it worked. not only that , but they spin in the wind, and cast light circle, which dance across the patio. that should entertain the cats.
APRIL 24, 2012